Assisted Immigrants from the United Kingdom to Victoria 1850-1853

47,700+ records

Covering the decade 1850-53, this list details UK immigrants to Victorian ports using susidised passage. Read more
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Assisted Immigrants from the United Kingdom to Victoria 1839-1849

39,600+ records

Covering the decade 1839-49, this list details UK immigrants to Victorian ports using susidised passage. Read more
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Towns in Victoria – late 1800s

Where did your ancestors live in the late 1800s? Follows is a list and brief description of the townships in Victoria as described in 1877. Read more
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Letters from home – Victoria

120,700+ records

Lists of unclaimed letters held at Australian Post Offices in the period 1830-1870. Read more
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Kyneton and district trades 1866

700+ records

Encompassing the areas of Kyneton, Lauriston, Malmsbury and Taradale in Victoria, this directory lists by name and includes the person's trade or business, their street address and the town in 1866. Read more
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Bendigo (Sandhurst) District Directory 1867

3,800+ records

Stevens and Bartholmew's district directory for 1867 encompasses the areas of Sandhurst (Bendigo), Castlemaine, Echuca, Maldon, Dunolly, Maryborough, Back Creek, Avoca... Read more
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Ballarat and District Directory 1865

6,600+ records

A directory containing information about people resident in Ballarat VIctoria in 1865 – the height of the gold rush... Read more
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Goldfields Collection

17,300+ records

This data contains information about people resident in Australia’s Victorian goldfields circa 1850 to 1870 gathered from selected sources. Read more
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Legal directory 1905 and 1909

7,800+ records

Lists trades and professionals in Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania and other states in 1905 and 1909 Read more
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Colonial Photographers

800+ records

The list details the some of the names and addresses of various Australian colonial photographers from 1850 onwards. Read more
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