Towns in Victoria – late 1800s

Where did your ancestors live in the late 1800s? Follows is a list and brief description of the townships in Queensland as described in 1877.

This information may help those who are tracing the path of their ancestors within Australia. Basic information such as location and the main activities in the district may indicate why an ancestor went to the location.  There is more information on each place available in the source material such as the buildings, businesses and population at each in the 1870s and in many cases, the means of travel to, or communication with, the town.

ABERFELDY, a post town and money-order office, county of Tangil, electorate of Alberton, 20 miles from Woods Point and 121 miles from Melbourne E. Situated on the Dividing Range, between Aberfeldy river and Thompson river. The claims here are very rich.

ALBERTON, a township on the Albert river about 3 miles above its mouth. It is in the county of Buln Buln and gives a name to an extensive Road Board district in Upper Gipps Land South. It lies 177 miles SE of Melbourne. The surrounding country is mainly agricultural, wheat, oats, and potatoes being principally grown.

ALEXANDER MT. See Castlemaine.

ALEXANDRA, a mining township and money-order office county of Anglesey, electorate of Dalhousie and police district of Mansfield on the Goulburn river.  98 miles NE. of Melbourne. A large quantity of gold has been obtained in this neighbourhood.

ALFREDTON, county of Grenville, electorate of Ballaarat West, lies 98.5 miles W. of Melbourne. It is a mining district.

ALLANSFORD, a postal township and money-order office (county of Heytesbury, electorate of Villiers and Heytesbury), on the east side of the river Hopkins, about 6 miles from its mouth, the distance from Warrnambool, and 156 miles WSW of Melbourne. Agricultural and pastoral district, the entire district is liable to be flooded by the overflow of the Hopkins. In 1854 these floods rose to the height of 22 feet.

ALMA, a village (county of Talbot, and district of Maryborough) on the Alma creek, 107 miles NW. of Melbourne. The district is a mining one, the diggings being alluvial. About 2 miles north Alma is a township called Lower Alma and other diggings known as Adelaide Lead, Moonlight Flat and Chinaman’s Flat, are in the immediate neighbourhood.

ALPHINGTON, a postal village 5 miles NE. of Melbourne. The neighbourhood is taken up by market gardens and vineyards, all in a high state of cultivation.

AMHERST (county of Talbot), formerly known under the name of Daisy Hill, is a municipality on Daisy Hill creek, 111 miles NW. of Melbourne. Agricultural operations are carried on to a considerable extent in the neighbourhood, but the district partakes more of a mining character. The diggings are both alluvial and quartz, and are known as the Rocky Flat, Mt. Greenock, Gibraltar, McCullums creek, Cockatoo gullv, Blacksmith’s, Daisy Hill, Mia-Mia flat, Adelaide lead, Kangaroo flat, Nuggetty gully, Scandinavian lead, and Mysterious lead, all famous for their yields in the early days of gold mining.

AMPHITHEATRE (county of Kara-Kara), a postal township 128 miles NW. of Melbourne. There are alluvial diggings in the neighbourhood. Amphitheatre is completely shut in by lofty ranges on every hand.

APSLEY, a township (co. lowan,) on a north branch of the Mosquito creek, on the border of South Australia, 317 miles NW. of Melbourne. The nearest places are Casterton, 56 miles distant, Harrow 34 miles, and Hamilton 98 miles. Apsley is scarcely so much a township as it is the postal centre of an extensive squatting district known as the Wimmera plains. These plains occupy an area of 25,000 square miles and consist of vast tracts of sandy and sparsely-grassed country, intersected with belts of myall, scrub, and box, and honeysuckle forests. Most of the land is valueless except as sheep runs.

ARARAT is an important municipal town, and money-order, savings’ bank, telegraph office, and railway station at the northern extremity of the county of Ripon, and in the electoral district of Ararat, near the river Hopkins, and almost in a direct line between Mount Cole and Mount William, two of the highest peaks in that part of the colony. Besides the quartz and alluvial mines, for which the district is famed, the agricultural, pastoral, and wine-making interests are well established. Ararat is the commercial centre of the great grain and wool producing district of the north-west.

ARMSTRONGS, a postal and mining township, 157 miles NW. of Melbourne, between Stawell and Ararat. The diggings are best known as the Great Western. A large quantity of land has been recently taken up in this neighbourhood for the cultivation of the vine.

ASCOT, a postal township and money-order office, 115 miles NW. of Melbourne (county Talbot). The town of Creswick is 5 miles distant. The district is partially an agricultural, and partially an alluvial mining one.

AVENEL, county of Anglesey, and police district of Kilmore, a township on Hughes creek on the Sydney road, and on the north-eastern line, 75 miles NE. of Melbourne, and 10.5 miles from Seymour. Hughes creek runs through the centre, dividing the town into two counties, Anglesea and Delatite, and emptying itself into the Goulburn. The town is situated on a flat nearly surrounded by lofty hills on the slopes of which are some extensive vineyards.

AVOCA (county of Gladstone, electorate of Avoca, and police district of Maryborough) is situated on the river of the same name, about 12 miles from its source, in the Amphitheatre basin, and 6 miles E. of the Pyrenees ranges, on the main roads from Castlemaine and Ballaarat to the NW. Avoca is the principal town in the Avoca shire, a municipal district of 400 square miles, containing several other goldfields and townships. Both alluvial and quartz mining are carried on in the district, particularly in that portion lying at the foot of the Pyrenees ranges, which is also very well adapted for farming operations, growing wheat of unusually good quality.

AVON PLAINS (electorate of Crowlands), a postal station on the river Richardson, 223 miles NW. of Melbourne, situated in what was an exclusively pastoral district but where now a considerable amount of agricultural settlement is going on.

AXEDALE (county of Bendigo, and electorate of Mandurang), a small postal township, 15 miles from Sandhurst, and 101 miles NE. of Melbourne. The diggings in the neighbourhood are alluvial, but are nearly worked out, and are known as the Ida creek diggings. There are some farms and runs in the district, and the land suited to agriculture is being rapidly selected.

BACCHUS MARSH (county of Rourke, and electorate of West Bourke), a small township and telegraph, savings’ bank, and money-order office, in the neighbourhood of the Lerderderg and Werribee rivers, 34 miles NW. of Melbourne.  There are some diggings in the neighbourhood of small extent; farming is, however, the characteristic of the district, the land being very fertile.

BAIRNSDALE, county of Dargo, electoral district of N. Gipps Land, a mining, agricultural, and pastoral township, and money-order office and telegraph station in the North Gipps Land district, on the Mitchell river, 180 miles E. of Melbourne and 46 from Sale. The townships in the Bairnsdale district are Lucknow, Allanvale, Sarsfield, Bruthen, Omeo, Swift’s Creek, Bendoc, Bonang, Crooked River, each of which are mining townships. Lindenow Flat, a farming township, is situated 12 miles from Bairnsdale.

BALACLAVA, a suburb of Melbourne, 5 miles E. of Melbourne. It is a favourite place of residence for the well-to-do citizens.

BALD HILLS, or Seaton, a small township in the Gipps Land district, 113 miles E. of Melbourne, and 30 miles from Sale. Alluvial diggings surround the town. The surrounding country is well grassed and watered, and well suited for both agricultural and pastoral purposes, the mountains in the district are supposed to be gold-bearing.

BALLAARAT (county of Grenville), has for some time been the leading goldfield town of Victoria, and is now the next city in importance to Melbourne. It owes its present position to being the centre of perhaps the richest gold-yielding district in the world. It lies 104 miles WNW. of Melbourne, at an elevation of 1,437 feet above the sea, and consists of Ballaarat East and Ballaarat West, the Yarrowee creek dividing them. Each is a distinct municipality. Ballaarat West has an area of 44 square miles, Ballaarat East has an area of 63 miles. Ballaarat is somewhat celebrated as the place where the miners made a stand against an arbitrary and unjust tax in 1854. The mining population rose in arms against the authorities, and the result was a fight in which many lives were lost, and much property destroyed. The principal collision between the troops and the miners occurred at the Eureka stockade, situated at Eureka and Stawell Streets, Ballaarat East. It was carried by storm on Sunday, December 3. A monument in the cemetery has been erected to the memory of the diggers who fell. The largest piece of natural gold in the world was taken from Bakery Hill, a diggings near Ballaarat: it was [found at a depth of 180 feet, weighed 1,217 ounces, and was called the “Welcome Nugget.” Ballaarat was proclaimed a municipality in December, 1855.

BALLAN, a postal and money-order township, situated on the Werribee river, on the main line of road between Melbourne and Ballaarat (county Grant and Bourke). It lies 49 miles NW. of the metropolis. The neighbourhood abounds in valuable timber, and agriculture is extensively carried on. Mining, both quartz and alluvial, is in operation at Dale’s creek, and Gordon’s, a few miles distant.

BALLANGEICH, a postal station (county of Villiers, and electorate of Villiers and Heytesbury), 151 miles from Melbourne, and 17 miles from Warrnambool, on the main Mortlake road. The nearest streams are Hopkins river on the east with Lyall’s creek and Drysdale creek running through the area; on the banks of these is some good agricultural land. The chief industry of the district is cattle and sheep runs in the neighbourhood.

BALLY-SHANASSY, a postal village in the county of Bourke, 8 miles E. of Melbourne It is environed by farms.

BALMORAL, a postal village, county Dundas on the Glenelg river at the junction of Mathers’ creek 204 miles W. by N. of Melbourne, 45 from Hamilton, 30 from Coleraine, and about 40 from Ararat. The surrounding country is principally adapted for grazing purposes.

BARINGHEEP, or Baringhup (county of Talbot, electorate of Maldon), a township on the river Loddon, 91 miles N NW. of Melbourne. The district is an agricultural one, the nearest mines being at Maldon distant 7 miles E.

BARKER’S CREEK, a mining village and postal station (county of Talbot), and electorate of Castlemaine, 83 miles N. by W. of Melbourne, situated on the creek whence it takes its name. Pastoral, mining, and agricultural district. The famous “Specimen Gully ” forms part of the Barkers creek diggings.

BARKLY, a mining township (county Kara-Kara) 146 miles NW. of Melbourne, and about 40 miles from Maryborough. There are alluvial mines in the vicinity.

BARKSTEAD, a postal village (county of Grant, and electorate of South Grenville), is situated the most western branch of the Eastern Moorabool and about equidistant between Eastern and Western Moorabool, 116 miles SSW. of Melbourne, 60 miles vid Ballan, from which it is distant 14 miles. Mining operations are carried on to a small extent, and some farms, but the occupation of residents is principally splitting, sawing and other forest work.

BARNAWATHA (county of Bogong electoral district of Ovens) a post town on Indigo creek, 174 miles NE of Melbourne. Wodonga distant 13 miles. There are alluvial and quartz mines in the district, and agricultural operations are pretty extensively carried on. Wine and tobacco are produced in the district.

BATESFORD, a post town (county Grant), 48 miles SW of Melbourne, and about 6 miles from Geelong. The celebrated Paradise vineyard is near Batesford. There are also several smaller vineyards, and much fruit is grown in the neighbourhood.

BAYNTON (county and electorate of Dalhousie) lies 52 miles due N. of Melbourne. Pohlman’s creek is 1/4 mile distant, and the Campaspe about 5 miles. It is a pastoral and agricultural district.

BEALIBA (county of Gladstone, electoral district of Avoca), a post and money-order town on Cochranes creek, 122 miles NW. of Melbourne, Maryborough is 24 miles distant. There are a few stations in the district, and mining is carried on to some extent.

BEAUFORT, formerly known as Fiery Creek Diggings, is situated on the Yam Hole creek, 124 miles WNW. of Melbourne (county Ripon). The town, which is a money-order, telegraph office, and railway station, lies high, being 1,252 feet above the sea-level. The country around Beaufort is very hilly, and in parts heavily timbered. The district is a mining one, the diggings being both alluvial and quartz. Waterloo, about 3 miles out, is the principal mining centre just now, although there is nearly as much mining going on at Charlton as at Waterloo. There are some splendid sheep-runs round the town, and the district-grown wool has more than once topped the London market. Farming is largely followed, and there are several vineyards in the locality.

BEECHWORTH (county of Bogong) in the shire of Beechworth, 185 miles NE. of Melbourne, and about 25 miles from the Murray river. It is the principal town of the Murray district and of the celebrated Ovens goldfields. It is situated on high land, being 1,725 feet above the sea-level. The district is essentially a mining one, formerly alluvial, but now much more of the reef character.

BELFAST, or Port Fairy (county of Villiers, electoral district of Villiers and Heytesbury), a seaport town in the county of Villiers, at the mouth of the river Moyne, 186 miles WSW. of Melbourne, to and from which four steamers ply weekly,  there is also overland communication by coach daily from Geelong. It has a money-order and telegraph office. The harbour is called Port Fairy. Extensive works are now in operation, and far advanced towards completion, by which all sea-going vessels will be loaded and discharged at the wharf stores in the middle of the town. The town mainly depends on the well-cultivated farms in the back neighbourhood for its support; but a large and increasing trade in wool, grain, and general produce is now being done with the Penshurst, Hamilton, and Coleraine districts. It is the principal shipping port of the western district, and from here large quantities of produce find their way to Melbourne. The Tower Hill, a remarkable volcanic mountain, with a perfect extinct crater, standing in the Tower Lake, is 9 miles NNE. of Belfast. It is entirely surrounded by water.

BENALLA (county of Delatite, electorate of Murray, and police district of Beechworth), a rising township on the Broken river, 122 miles NE. of Melbourne. It is the centre of an important agricultural and pastoral district and is the capital of the shire bearing the same name. Wheat and oats are principally grown on the farms. The vine is also extensively cultivated. The town was laid out in 1846, but was of small account until 1854, when it sprung into importance as suited to the growth of grain, and of most of the fruits of the temperate zone.

BERLIN, a mining township, post, and money order office, on the Kangdraraar creek (co. Gladstone), 4 miles south of Kingower, 133 miles NW. from Melbourne, deriving its existence from the prolific goldfields in its neighbourhood. Here, on the 3lst May, 1870, a large nugget was unearthed named after the Governor “Viscount Canterbury.” In October of the same year, another, weighing 896 ounces, was discovered.

BERWICK, a small post town, money-order office, and telegraph station, on the Kardinia creek, 30 miles SE. of Melbourne, and about 8 miles from Dandenong (co. of Mornington). There are numerous farms in the neighbourhood, wheat and oats being formerly extensively grown, but now dairy farming is more followed. The Haunted Gully goldfields are about 3 miles from Berwick.

BET-BET, a postal town in the counties of Talbot and Gladstone, electoral districts of Maryborough and Avoca, and police district of Maryborough, on the Bet-Bet creek, in the shire of Bet-Bet between Dunolly and Maryborough,  103 miles NW. of Melbourne, and about 25 miles from Castlemaine. There are numerous alluvial diggings in the the district.

BEVERIDGE is on the Sydney road (county of Bourke, electorate of East Bourke), 26 miles from Melbourne by rail, and 24 by the main road. It is situated on some swampy land between Donnybrook and Wallan-Wallan. The nearest streams are Deep creek, about 4 miles to the west, and Merri creek, 3.5 miles to the east. It is an agricultural and grazing district.

BIRREGURRA (co. Polwarth), a post town, telegraph, and money-order office on the Barwon river, 80 miles SW. of Melbourne, and 12 miles from Winchelsea. The country to the N. consists of plains, to the S. of heavily timbered ranges, and to the W. and SW. of undulating well grassed rises. The district is a farming and grazing one.

BLACKWOOD is a postal township lying 68 miles N. of Melbourne.

BONTHERAMBO, or Springhurst, a small township (county of Bogong, and electorate of Murray) 174 miles NE. of Melbourne. The Dido-Dido, or Springhurst creek, runs through the township. The road to Wahgunyah and Rutherglen branches off here from the Chiltern road. Distance from Wahgunyah 14 miles, from Rutherglen 10 miles, from Chiltern 9 miles, from Eldorado 11 miles, from Wangaratta 14 miles. The district may be considered as a mining, agricultural, and pastoral one.

BORDER TOWN, a small postal township on the boundary line between Victoria and South Australia, lying 255 miles W. of Melbourne, 100 from Horsham, and about 150 from Hamilton. Border Town more properly belongs to South Australia than to Victoria, although it is in both. It is the centre of a vast pastoral county, and as a resting place for bullock teams in the wool season.

BOWMAN’S FOREST is in the county of Bogong and Ovens electoral district, 184 miles NE. of Melbourne. Agriculture is extended over the north half of the district, and alluvial and quartz mining over the south.

BRANDY CREEK, on the main Gippsland road, is a postal township, 65 miles from Melbourne. It is a comparatively new settlement. The timber is of a valuable description.

BRANXHOLME (county and electorate of Normanby), a post town, money-order, and savings’ bank office on the Arrandooyong creek, 214 miles W. of Melbourne. It is on the main road between Hamilton and Portland, being 38 miles from Portland and 15 miles from Hamilton. The district is principally taken up by stations, but there is a fine trade done in limestone and granite.

BRAYBROOK, a small postal village near the Saltwater river, in the county of Bourke, and electoral district of Footscray and Melton, miles due W. of Melbourne.  

BREAK O’ DAY, a postal centre in the county and electoral district of Grenville, 88 miles W. of Melbourne. Mining and agricultural district, forming part of that of Rokewood.

BRIAGOLONG is situated about 9 miles to the N. of the township of Stratford. It is a rich agricultural district. The culture of the hop and tobacco are the leading industries. A factory for the manufacture of cigars has been established. Gold has been discovered in the immediate vicinity in payable quantities.

BRIDGEWATER ON LODDON is a small post town in the electoral district of Maryborough, 125 miles from Melbourne.

BRIGHT, a post and mining township, money order office, and telegraph station, and centre of the shire of that name, at the junction of Morse’s creek with the Ovens river, 225 miles NE. of Melbourne (co. Delatite). Beechworth is 40 miles distant.

BRIGHTON, county of Bourke, electorate of Brighton, a watering-place on the east shore of Port Phillip Bay. It is 8 miles from Melbourne. Market gardening and fishing are the principal industries of the district. There is a fine pier and a long sandy beach, very pleasant to walk on and enjoy the invigorating breezes that blow across the bay.

BROADFORD (county and electorate of Dalhousie), a post town, telegraph, and money-order office on the Melbourne and Beechworth road, 46 miles north of the metropolis. Kilmore is about 9 miles distant. Broadford is in the heart of an agricultural district.

BROADMEADOWS, a post town (co. Bourke) on the Moonee ponds, 10 miles N. of Melbourne. There are numerous dairy farms in the district, and two good quarries of building stone used in the construction of Prince’s Bridge.

BROWN’S DIGGINGS, a mining town near Smythesdale, on the Yarrowee creek, in the county of Grenville, and electoral district of North Grenville, 109 miles NW. of Melbourne, and about 14 miles from Ballaarat. The workings are principally alluvial.

BRUNSWICK (county of Bourke, electorate of E. Bourke borough) is a borough town, 2.5 miles N. of Melbourne. Brunswick is essentially one of the industrial suburbs of Melbourne containing factories of various kinds, and especially brick, terracotta, and pottery yards, and quarries for raising and dressing bluestone for building and other purposes.

BRUTHEN, a postal town (county of Dargo, electorate of North Gippsland), 201 miles E. of Melbourne. The river Tambo is the nearest water. A pastoral, mining, and agricultural district.

BUANGOR, a post town and station on the Melbourne and Ararat line (county of Ripon, electorate of Ripon and Hampden, and police district of Wimmera). It lies 134 miles W. by N. of Melbourne. The district is an agricultural and pastoral one.

BUCKLAND (county of Delatite, electorate of Ovens, police district of Bright), a post and mining township and money-order office on the Buckland river, 229 miles NE. of Melbourne. Both quartz and alluvial mining are carried on. The Buckland diggings were discovered in 1853, and have ever since been worked more or less successfully. The Buckland district is 58 miles long by 20 broad, and includes the townships of Porepuntcah and Bright, Grader’s Creek, Harrietville, the Woolshed, Buckland Camp, and the Junction.

BULLA is a post town in the county of Bourke, electoral district of W. Bourke, and police district of Sunbury. It lies 16 miles N. of Melbourne. The Saltwater river runs through the township. The district is an agricultural one and also contains large deposits of kaolin, iron and bluestone, and quartz, some of which have been found auriferous.

BUNGAREE is a postal, savings’ bank, and money-order office township in the county of Grant, electoral district of Ballaarat E., and police district of Ballaarat. It lies 105 miles W. of Melbourne A large proportion of the population, which is rather sparse, is engaged in cutting timber.

BUNINYONG, a mining and agricultural township and railway station under municipal government, in the vicinity of the mountain of the same name, on the main road between Geelong and Ballaarat, county Grant. It lies 87 miles W. by N. from Melbourne. There are 13 distinct reefs and 16 square miles of auriferous ground being worked. The country in the neighbourhood of Buninyong is in some parts well adapted for farming operations, and the soil is very productive but the town has been principally famous for the gold-fields in the vicinity.

BURNT CREEK is a post town in the county of Gladstone, and electoral district of Avoca. Melbourne is 104 miles SE. A resident says the unwise policy of allowing the auriferous land to be taken up by selectors has reduced the population more than three-fourths. The district is still rich in gold, but with heavy water, and will require machinery to work it, as individual labour is of no practical use.

BURRUMBEET, a small private town (county Ripon) on the banks of Lake Burrumbeet, 113 miles W. by N. from Melbourne, and lying about 2,000 feet above the sea-level. The surrounding country is taken up by farms and stations and as sheep pasture.

BUXTON (county of Anglesey, and electorate of Dalhousie) lies 60 miles S. by E. of Melbourne. A pastoral and agricultural district.

BYADUK, a postal village and money-order office m the county of Normanby, situated on Scott’s creek, about 15 miles from Hamilton, and 230 miles SW. from Melbourne. Byaduk is chiefly noted for its remarkable caves, which are very extensive, and owing to the mephitic vapours they contain are but partially explored. Inside these caves are large deposits of guano. It is an agricultural district and includes the neighbouring hamlet of Byambine.

CALLAWADDA, a postal township in the county of Borung, electoral district of Crowlands and police district of Stawell and Glenarchy distant from Melbourne 191 miles NW. The district is an agricultural and mining one, and although not extensively worked for gold at present.

CAMPASPE, a post town in the county of Rodney, and electoral district of Waranga, 130 miles due N. of Melbourne. Chiefly an agricultural district much land being now taken up for farming, and also for the production of wine and tobacco. It is otherwise known as Runnymede.

CAMPBELLFIELD (county Bourke), an agricultural village on the Merrimerri creek, 10 miles N. of Melbourne.

CAMPBELL’S CREEK, a money-order office and post town on the creek of the same name, in the district of Castlemaine, 78 miles NW. of Melbourne. The district is a goldmining one. The surrounding country is hilly and broken.

CAMPERDOWN, the chief town of the county of Hampden, is situate at the foot of Mount Leura, on the main road from Geelong to Warrnambool. It is distant from Melbourne 120 miles WSW., from Geelong 75, and from Warrnambool 45. The town has the facilities of a post and money-order office and telegraph station, a receipt and pay office and land office, and is the headquarters of the acting district surveyor. The district around Camperdown is mainly a pastoral one, though land has been largely taken up for agricultural purposes, and there is now a considerable amount of country being occupied for farming and dairying purposes in the Heytesbury Forest to the south of the town.  

CARAMUT, a postal township on Muston’s creek, in the county of Villiers, 35 miles from Warrnambool, and 160 miles from Melbourne, SW. It is situated on the main road, about midway between Warrnambool and Hamilton. The surrounding country is of a pastoral character, although it contains some patches of undulating, richly-grassed, lightly-timbered land, fitted for agricultural purposes.

CARDIGAN, county of Grant, a post town, 102 miles NW. of Melbourne, and 6 miles from Ararat. Several diggings surround the township at short distances; farming, too, is largely followed.

CARGARIE, a small postal station in the county of Grant, and electoral district of South Grant, 77 miles W. of Melbourne, on the creek of the same name. A pastoral and agricultural district.

CARISBROOK (county of Talbot, electoral district of Maryborough), a municipal town and money-order office, post-office savings’ bank, 101 miles NW. of Melbourne, and 4 miles from Maryborough. The local industries consist of a tannery and steam flourmill. The district is an agricultural one.

CARLSRUHE, county of Dalhousie, electoral district of Kyneton Boroughs, a post town, 53 miles N. by W. of Melbourne, on the Campaspe river. It lies in farming and pastoral country and produces some good building stone.

CARLTON, a part of Melbourne, to the north, lying between the city and the town of Fitzroy. It contains the University, a fine pile of buildings situated in extensive grounds, the nucleus of the National Museum, Congregational college, two State schools, a private lunatic asylum, an extensive park called the Carlton Gardens, and the Melbourne cemetery. The latter is situated on high ground. The column to the memory of Sir Charles Hotham is a notable monument, as is also the massive monolith erected over the remains of the unfortunate explorers Burke and Wills. As an historical record the tombstone to the memory of Derrimut has considerable interest. He was chief of the Melbourne tribe at the time of the first settlement.

CARNGHAM (co Grenville), a township 119 miles W. by N. of Melbourne, on Baillie’s creek. The goldfields of Smythesdale and Lintons are within 8 miles of the town. Stations and farms occupy a great portion of the district.

CASTERTON, a money-order office, telegraph station, and post town, in the county of Follett, and electoral district of Dundas and Follett, on the W. bank of the river Glenelg, on the main road from Melbourne to Adelaide, 256 miles W. of Melbourne. There are numerous stations in the district, but much of the land is suitable for agricultural pursuits, particularly along the course of the river. There is a splendid quarry of granite in Wando Vale, and a steam flour-mill has been erected at the entrance to the town, between the two bridges.

CASTLEMAINE (county of Talbot) forming an electoral district of itself), a place of great importance in the early days of the goldfields, is located at the junction of the Barker’s and Forest creeks, 77.5 miles NNW. of Melbourne. The town is under municipal government. The diggings in the neighbourhood were once very numerous and were among the first discovered in Australia. Vine-growing is carried on to a considerable extent. The mining capabilities and agricultural resources of the district give the prosperity of the town depends.

CAULFIELD, a postal township in the county Bourke, and electoral district of South Bourke, 6 miles SE. of Melbourne. The district is a farming one, principally growing hay, although it has 4 acres under vineyard with 8,000 vines planted thereon.

CAVENDISH, a post town in the county of Dundas, on the river Wannon, 193 miles W. of Melbourne, and 16 miles from Hamilton. The district is mainly occupied for grazing purposes.

CHARLTON, a post town in the county and electoral district of Ripon, and police district of Beaufort, 134 miles due N. of Melbourne, situated near the Emu creek. The district is both mining and agricultural.

CHATSWORTH is situated on the west side of the river Hopkins, in the county of Villiers, and electoral district of Penshurst, 167 miles due W. of Melbourne, on the Great Northern road from Warrnambool to Ararat. Pastoral and agricultural district.

CHELTENHAM (county Bourke) a village and money-order office, about 12 miles SE. of Melbourne, and 6 miles from Brighton. The land is of a very sandy nature, well suited for market gardens.

CHEPSTOWE, a post town in the county and electoral district of Grenville, and police district of Carngham. It lies 125 miles W. of Melbourne.

CHETWYND, a post town in the county of Dundas and electoral district of the same name, 270 miles NW. of Melbourne. The district is a grazing and farming one.

CHEWTON, formerly Forest Creek, is a municipal town, money-order office, and telegraph station in the county of Talbot, and electoral and police districts of Castlemaine, situated on Forest creek, on the main road between Melbourne and Castlemaine, 72.5 miles by road N. by W. of Melbourne, and 2.5 miles from Castlemaine. There are a brewery and a tannery in the town. The district is essentially a mining one.

CHILTERN, the central town of the shire of Chiltern (county Bogong), is 180 miles NE. of Melbourne on the main Melbourne and Sydney road, the Black Dog Creek, and North-Eastern Railway. The district is partly agricultural and pastoral.

CHINAMAN’S FLAT is a pastoral township in the county of Talbot. It lies 110 miles NW. of Melbourne, and within 2 miles of Maryborough. It has a population chiefly engaged in mining pursuits.

CHRISTMAS HILL is the name of a farming district with a post-office in the county and electoral district of Evelyn, and police district of Eltham. It lies 28 miles NE. of Melbourne, on a small rivulet known as Watson’s creek, and adjoins the mining district of One Tree Hill. The land is generally of poor quality and is but little cultivated.

CLARENDON is in the county of Grant, and electoral and police districts of Buninyong, 83 miles WNW. of Melbourne. Nearest water, Williamson’s creek. Agricultural district.

CLUNES, an important municipal township and money-order and telegraph office and railway station on Creswick creek (county Talbot), 120 miles NW. of Melbourne. Gold was first discovered here on July 1, 1851. The town lies low, and in the wintertime is subject to floods. The town and mines are well supplied with water from the Bullarook forest.

CLYDE is a scattered district in the county of Mornington. The soil is loamy and not of first rate quality. Clyde is 32 miles SE. from Melbourne.

CLYDESDALE, a post town on Limestone creek, 88½ miles N. by W. of Melbourne, in the county of Talbot, and electoral district of Castlemaine. There are diggings and numerous farms in the district.

COBDEN, a post town on Curdies river, in the county of Heytesbury, and electoral district of Heytesbury East, 130 miles W of Melbourne. Pastoral district.

COBURG (See Pentridge)

COGHILL’S CREEK, county of Talbot, electoral district of Creswick, and police district of Ballaarat, a post town on the creek after which it is called, 114 miles WNW. of Melbourne. It is 10 miles from Creswick, and 6 from Clunes. The immediate neighbourhood is purely agricultural.

COIMADAI is a post town in the county of Bourke, electoral district of W. Bourke, and police district of Bacchus Marsh. It lies on the Coimadai creek, 34 miles NW. from Melbourne. The country is agricultural and pastoral, and there are lime works and mineral water springs in the vicinity.

COLAC, a township, money-order office, and telegraph station on the Borangorook creek, 92 miles SW. of Melbourne, on the main road from Geelong to Warrnambool. It is in the county of Polwarth, electorate district of Polwarth and 8. Grenville, and police district of Geelong.

COLERAINE, a post town, savings’ bank, money-order office, and telegraph station in the county of Dundas, situated on the Koroite creek, about 230 miles W. of Melbourne, on the main road to Adelaide. There are numerous stations in the district, including Muntham, Konongwooton, Hilgay, Koroite, Wirnurburn, Tahara, and many others. There is a very large farming population settled within a radius of a few miles of Coleraine. Most of the neighbourhood is covered with volcanic tufaceous lavas.

COLLINGWOOD, a municipality and suburb of Melbourne, lying on low ground between the city and the Yarra-Yarra to the NE. Formerly a corporate town, it has now arrived at a city. It is known as the pioneer municipality of Victoria, having been the first local body incorporated after Melbourne and Geelong. The borough has a frontage to the Yarra river of about five miles. There are numerous manufactories. Being well drained, Collingwood is about the healthiest of all the metropolitan suburbs. Two wooden bridges span the Yarra, and connect it with Kew and Hawthorne.

COOPER’S CREEK, a small post town in the county of Tangil, and electoral district of Gippsland, 120 miles SE. of Melbourne. A copper mine is here, worked by a joint-stock company. Mining and agricultural district.

COSTERFIELD, a small mining township in the county of Dalhousie, and electoral district of Rodney, 75 miles N. of Melbourne. The antimony mines here were discovered in 1861.

COWES, a post and money-order township (county and electorate of Mornington, and police district of Bourke), 51 miles SE. of Melbourne.

COWIE’S CREEK, a village about 31 miles from Geelong, and about 41 miles from Melbourne SW., formerly a station on the Melbourne and Geelong Railway. It is in the county of Grant, and electoral district of South Grant, in the midst of a farming district.

COWWARR, a post town in the county of Tangil, and electoral district of N. Gippsland, 142 miles from Melbourne. The land is of a good agricultural character.

COY’S DIGGINGS are in the county of Rodney, and electoral district of Waranga, 95 miles NE. of Melbourne. The mining is of the quartz character.

CRAIGIE is a postal town in the county of Talbot, electoral district of Creswick, and police district of Maryborough. It lies 109 miles NW. of Melbourne. A large crushing machine is at work in the neighbourhood.

CRANBOURNE, a small village, post-office, and money-order office, and savings’ bank office, in the county and electoral district of Mornington, 29 miles SSE. of Melbourne. Considerable quantities of wheat are raised in the district, there are also some stations, but these are being rapidly divided into farms.

CRESSY (county Grenville), a post town and money-order office on the Woady Yallock creek, 87 miles SW. of Melbourne, on the road between Geelong and Warrnambool.

CRESWICK (county of Talbot, electoral district of Creswick), an important gold-fields township, under municipal government, on the Tullaroop creek, 109 miles NW. of Melbourne, and 11 miles from Ballaarat. The diggings in the neighbourhood are of great extent and richness; they were discovered early in 1852.

CROSSOVER DIGGINGS (county Buln Buln) is the name of a postal township in North Gipps Land, distant 77 miles E. from Melbourne.

CROWLANDS, a post town on the river Wimmera (comity Kara-Kara), in the electoral district of Crowlands, and police district of Wimmera, 148 miles NW. of Melbourne. The riverbanks are well adapted for agricultural operations. Further back, the district is taken up for sheep and cattle farming.

DANDENONG (counties of Bourke and Mornington, electoral district of South Bourke and Mornington) is a pretty village, money-order office, and telegraph station, on the creek of the same name, 19.5 miles SE. of Melbourne. The place is adapted for manufactures. The land all round is well adapted for sheep, cattle, and dairy farming, and the scenery among the ranges is wild and picturesque in the extreme.

DARGALONG or Moorilim, a post town on the Muddy creek (county of Moira and electorate of the Murray) 99 miles  N. of Melbourne. The river Goulburn is about 2 miles distant and the town of Murchison about 5 miles. Pastoral and agricultural district.

DARLINGTON, a post town on Emu creek, 123 miles W. by S. of Melbourne (county Hampden). There are numerous stations in the district.

DAYLESFORD, a thriving township, money order office, and telegraph station, in the county of Talbot, electoral district of Creswick, and police district of Castlemaine, on the Wombat creek, a few miles from the river Loddon, 78 miles NW. of Melbourne. The district has many farms, but mining is the principal business of the people.

DEAN, a post town in the county of Talbot, 117 miles NW. of Melbourne, and 8 from Creswick. It lies on the Adekate creek. The industries are farming and sheep glazing.

DEAN’S MARSH is a small postal and money-order township, lying 92 miles SW. of Melbourne, and 40 miles W. of Geelong.

DIAMOND CREEK county and electorate of Evelyn, and police district of Eltham), a mining village, 16.5 miles NE. from Melbourne, situated on a creek of the same name, on the western slope and foot of a mountain range. The mining is principally carried on by shafts. The district is likely to take a prominent place as a goldfield.

DIAMOND HILL, a postal station, in the county of Bendigo, the police district of Sandhurst, and the electoral district of Mandurang, 100 miles N. of Melbourne, and 4 miles SE. of Sandhurst. Mining is principally followed in the district.

DIGBY, a post town and money-order office on the. river Stokes, in the county of Normanby, on the main road to Portland, 254 miles W. of Melbourne and 41 miles from Portland.

DIGGER’S REST, a post town and railway station on the Victorian railways, 20 miles N by W of Melbourne. The land in the district is best suited for sheep and cattle farming.

DONCASTER, a post town in the county of South Burke and Bulleen electoral district, 10 miles NE Melbourne, lying between the Yarra river and the Koornung creek.

DONNELLY’S CREEK (county Tangil), a mining village and money-order office in the Gippsland district 20 miles N of Walhalla, and 80 miles E of Melbourne. The diggings are remunerative.

DONNYBROOK, now Kalkallo (county of Bourke, electoral district of E. Bourke, and police district of Kalkallo), a post town on the Beechworth railway, which is about 2 miles from the town.

DOOKIE SOUTH, a postal and money-order township in the county of Moira, N. of Melbourne. In the neighbourhood are quarries of superior limestone, and very rich iron ore has recently been found. Agricultural district.

DROMANA (county and electoral district of Mornington), is a post town and money-order office on the shores of Port Phillip Bay, 45 miles S. of Melbourne, at the base of the eminence called Arthur’s Seat. Mount Martha lies 4 miles NE., and Sorrento, another watering-place, about 13 miles S. The district is agricultural and pastoral.

DRUMMOND, a post town in the county of Talbot, and Creswick electoral division, 64 miles NW. of Melbourne. The Coliban river and the Back and Kangaroo creeks are the nearest streams. Agricultural district.

DRYSDALE is a postal and money-order office in the county of Grant and electoral district of South Grant, and police district of Geelong. It lies 57 miles S. of Melbourne, on Corio bay. The district is an agricultural one and has several good mineral springs.

DUCKPONDS, now called Lara, in the county of Grant, electoral district of South Grant, and police district of Geelong. The district contains a large number of extensive grazing properties, and numerous dairy and agricultural farms. There are several limekilns, which supply largely Melbourne, Ballaarat, and. Castlemaine.

DUNKELD, a postal and money-order town on a creek of the same name, in the county of Villiers, about 170 miles W. of Melbourne, and about miles from Ballaarat. In the neighbourhood of the town, stone of good quality for constructive and other purposes is to be found, but at present no quarries, are at work.

DUNOLLY (county of Gladstone), a borough town, money-order office, and telegraph station, 107 miles NW. of Melbourne, and about 32 miles from Castlemaine. Dunolly is a goldfield, the precious metal being found in quartz reefs and alluvial deposits. It is stated there are 130 distinct reefs, all more or less auriferous, in the mining division. These reels are also found to contain iron, manganese, and copper, the latter in very small quantities. There is also a lode of antimony, which is only awaiting the erection of proper furnaces to prove a most remunerative industry. Dunolly is also famous for its deposits of kaolin, which is said to be of very pure quality. Slate has been discovered a very short distance from the town. Dunolly is the centre of a large agricultural district.

DURHAM LEAD is in the county of Grenville and electoral district of Buninyong, 107 miles by way of Ballaarat from Melbourne. The district is chiefly of a mining and agricultural nature.

DURHAM OX is in the electoral district of Mandurang, 157 miles N. of Melbourne. Pastoral and agricultural neighbourhood.

EAGLEHAWK (county Bendigo), a borough, money-order and savings’ bank office, and telegraph station, about miles from Sandhurst, and 105 miles from Melbourne, NW. The district is very hilly and abounds in golden quartz lodes. The agricultural resources are limited.

EAST TRENTHAM, a post town in the county of Dalhousie, Newham electoral district, 70 miles NW. of Melbourne. There are two saw-mills running in the vicinity. District, an agricultural one.

ECHUCA (county and electoral district of Rodney), formerly Hopwood’s Ferry, so called after Mr. Hopwood, who made it a principal crossing place for stock, is a border town of Victoria, and is situated on a peninsula formed by the Murray and Campaspe rivers, 166 miles N. of Melbourne. It is the terminus of the Murray River Railway, and the entrepot of the overland intercolonial trade. The district until lately was a pastoral one, very flat, and liable to inundation in the rainy season. It has been stated that the port of Echuca is now only second to Melbourne in the amount of tonnage inwards and outwards.

EDDINGTON, a post town and money-order office, on the Loddon river, in the county of Talbot, and electoral district of Maryborough, 99 miles NW. of Melbourne. Agricultural district.

EDENHOPE, a postal township (county Lowan, and Wimmera electoral district) on lake Wallace, 260 miles W. of Melbourne, and 80 miles from Hamilton.

ELAINE, a postal, telegraph, and money-order office town in the county of Grant, electoral district of Ballaarat, and police district of Meredith. It lies 90 miles NW. of Melbourne. There are two steam quartz-crushing batteries, and three winding engines in the district.

ELDORADO, a post town and telegraph office, 159 miles NE. of Melbourne. It is in the county of Bogong, and Murray electoral district. The Ovens river is 8 miles away. It is the only place in the colony where black sand (tin ore) is found. Diamonds and other precious stones have also been discovered. The surrounding country is mountainous, and principally adapted for mining purposes, though some tillage is carried on.

ELLERSLIE, a postal township in the county of Hampden, electoral district of Ripon and Hampden, and police district of Mortlake. It is 142.5 miles SW. of Melbourne. The district is mostly pastoral.

ELMORE (See Runnymede.)

ELPHINSTONE (county Talbot), a small township and railway station, on Sawpit Gully creek, 71 miles NNW. of Melbourne, and 8 miles from Castlemaine. It is near the Cobban waterfalls. Mining was extensively followed in the district, the fields being some of the earliest worked. There are numerous farms and some stations in the vicinity. Mining has now ceased in the locality, the population being in consequence much reduced.

ELSTERNWICK, a village suburban to Melbourne on the Brighton Railway, in the county of Bourke, and electoral district of St. Kilda. It lies about 6 miles S. of the city.

ELTHAM, county and electoral district of Evelyn, a post town and money-order office, 14 miles ENE. of Melbourne. The land in the neighbourhood is more suited for pastoral than farming purposes. Gold has been found in the vicinity in large quantities.

EMERALD HILL, a municipal town suburban to Melbourne, on the Sandridge road, about 1.5 miles S. and very near the site of what was once known as Canvas Town. Within easy walking distance by the two bridges across the Yarra To those who enjoy yachting and boating, the ornamental waters in the Albert park are a great attraction.

ENSAY is a postal town in North Gippsland lying 223 miles SE. of Melbourne. There are scattered agricultural and mining areas.

EPPING is a postal township in the county and police district of Bourke, and electoral district of E. Bourke. It lies 13 miles N. of Melbourne. Population engaged mainly in farming.

EPSOM, a money-order office and post town on Bendigo creek (county Bendigo), in the electoral district of Mandurang, 105 miles NW. of Melbourne. Alluvial diggings surround the town, but they are nearly worked out, and the land around is being taken up by selectors.

ESSENDON, a small village 5 miles N. of Melbourne. It is in the county of Bourke, and electoral district of West Bourke.

EUROA, a post town on the Seven creeks, 102 miles N. by E. of Melbourne (county of Delatite). The land in the neighbourhood is principally of a pastoral character, but it is now being much taken up for farming uses.

EVERTON, a postal township in the county of Bogong, electoral district of Murray, and police district of Beechworth. It lies 172 miles NE. of Melbourne. The district is partly agricultural and partly pastoral.

FERNSHAWE, a post town in the county and electoral district of Evelyn, 43 miles E. of Melbourne, via Lillydale it is 43 miles, by way of Eltham it is 48 miles. The surrounding country is famed for the beauty of its scenery, there being numerous fern-tree gullies, lofty waterfalls, and extensive mountain views, and the timber is reported to be among the largest in the world.

FERN-TREE GULLY, a postal station, in the county and electoral district of Mornington 19 miles SE. of Melbourne. At the junction of the two main roads from Oakleigh and Hawthorne is the celebrated Fern-Tree Gully, a well-known resort for excursionists and lovers of picturesque scenery. The surrounding country is of a pastoral and agricultural character.

FITZROY, one of the most important of the metropolitan suburban towns, is situated on the NE. side of Melbourne, adjoining the municipality of Collingwood. It is a distinct municipality. One of the pleasantest parts of the city are the gardens named after this municipality, a spacious reserve that under judicious treatment has been transformed from a waste place of the earth to a garden of roses. The ground is of an undulating character and intersected with watercourses. There are avenues of English trees and most of the indigenous plants and shrubs of Victoria and the other colonies have found a home. The dry and barren character of the soil has been met by a simple system of irrigation, and it is in a great measure to this that the present beauties of this pretty and picturesque park are due.

FLEMINGTON, a suburb of Melbourne 3 miles distant, NW., in the county and electoral district of West Bourke. Flemington, Newmarket, Kensington, and Essendon are in one borough, the cattle market, city abattoirs, and various factories being included therein. Flemington is bounded on the SW. by the Saltwater river. The racecourse is here considered one of the finest in the world.

FLYNN’S CREEK, a post town in the comity of Buln-Buln, and electoral district of North Gippsland, 8 miles from Rosedale and 134 miles ESE. from Melbourne, on the creek of the same name, which runs into the Latrobe river. Population consists of land selectors. Gold has been found but not as yet in payable quantities.

FOOTSCRAY (county of Bourke, electoral and police districts of West Bourke) is a municipal town suburban to Melbourne, with post-office and telegraph station on the Saltwater river. Much bluestone is quarried here.

FRAMLINGHAM, a post town in the county of Villiers, on the river Hopkins, 155 miles W. by S. of Melbourne, and 18 miles from Warrnambool. Stations principally occupy the district.

FRANKSTON, a post town in the county of Mornington, situated on the SE. shores of Port Phillip Bay, 27 miles S. of Melbourne. The land is ill adapted for cultivation on a large scale, but the low, swampy land in the vicinity would well repay the gardener or fruit-growers.

FREEBURGH, a post town (county of Delatite, and electoral district of Brightshire), 225 miles NE. of Melbourne. The district is of a mining character.

FRESHWATER CREEK, a post town (county of Grant, and electorate of Barwon), 55 miles W. from Melbourne, and about 7 miles from the river Bar won. It is on the Loutit Bay road, about 8 miles SW. from Geelong, in the shire of Barrabool. A State school is here (No. 256). There are several small sheep farms in the district, but little land under cultivation.

FRYER’S TOWN (county of Talbot, and electoral district of Castlemaine), is a money-order office and telegraph station, on Fryer’s creek, 80 miles N. by W. of Melbourne. It was the scene of one of the earliest gold-field “rushes”. The district is still a mining one.

FYANSFORD, a post town in the county of Grant, and electoral district of West Geelong, situated near the junction of the Barwon and Moorabool rivers, 48 miles SW. of Melbourne, and 3 miles from Geelong. Farming, gardening, and vinegrowing district. Brick works have also been recently established.

GAFFNEY’S CREEK (co. Wonnangatta, electoral district of Murray), a post, telegraph station and money-order town on the creek after which it is named, about 145 miles ENE. of Melbourne. Big river is 25 miles distant. The land in the neighbourhood is of an auriferous character, there are distinct reefs in the mining sub-division, and alluvial ground.

GEELONG, county of Grant, is one of the leading cities of Victoria. It lies 45 miles SW. of Melbourne, it is situated on Corio Bay, an expansive west arm of Port Phillip. The town is well laid out, on ground sloping to the bay on the north side, and to the Barwon river on the south. The town has the credit of establishing the first woollen mill in Victoria. The country surrounding Geelong is essentially agricultural, and is taken up by farms, vineyards, and orchards. The Barrabool hills, on the west bank of the Barwon, are of a very fertile character.

GERMANTOWN, a post town in the county of Grant, electorate Kardinia division of Geelong East, and police district of Belmont, 49 miles SW. of Melbourne, and 4 miles NE. of Geelong, on the road to Colac. The district is largely covered with vineyards and farms.

GHERINGAP, a post town in the county of Grant, lying in the fork formed by the junction of the Moorabool and Barwon rivers. The district is a purely agricultural one, the vine being largely cultivated, and excellent wine produced. Gheringap lies 54.5 miles SW. of Melbourne.

GISBORNE, a post town, money-order office, and savings’ bank office on the Saltwater river and the Mount Alexander road, 41 miles from Melbourne NW. It is in the county and police district of Bourke, and electoral district of West Bourke. The surrounding land is principally of an agricultural character, in some parts heavily timbered.

GLENDARUEL (county of Talbot, electoral district of Creswick), is a post town on Bell’s creek, about 114 miles NW. of Melbourne, and 18 miles from Ballaarat.

GLENGOWER (county of Talbot, electoral district of Maryborough and Creswick), a small village on Deep creek, 93.5 miles NNW. of Melbourne, and 20 miles from Castlemaine.

GLENLUCE, a postal hamlet in the county of Talbot, and electoral district of Castlemaine, 84.5 miles W. of Melbourne. It is an agricultural and mining district and abounds in quartz reefs.

GLENLYON (county of Talbot, electoral district of Creswick, and police district of Castlemaine), is a post town on the Loddon river, 70 miles NNW. of Melbourne. There are some diggings, but it is principally a farming district. A few sawmills are at work in the neighbourhood.

GLENORCHY, county of Borung, electoral district of Crowlands, a township on the Wimmera river about 187 miles NW. of Melbourne. The district was a pastoral one. The country is generally flat.

GLENPARK, a postal township in the county of Grenville, electoral district of Ballaarat West, and police district of Bungaru, 103 miles NW of Melbourne. The land is very fertile and heavily timbered, with a supply of springs of pure water.

GLENTHOMPSON, a postal township in the county of Villiers, and electoral district of Villiers and Heytesbury, 189 miles W. of Melbourne. The river Wannon is about 8 miles distant. The district is principally of a pastoral character.

GOBUR is a postal and money-order office township in the county of Anglesey, electoral district of Dalhousie, and police district of Mansfield. It lies 112 miles NE. of Melbourne, on Home creek. The district is agricultural, pastoral, and mining.

GODFREY’S CREEK (county of Anglesey, electorate of Dalhousie), is a post town on the creek of the same name, 112 miles NE. of Melbourne. The district in which it is located is of a pastoral, agricultural, and mining character. Agricultural settlement is rapidly extending in the district.

GOOLEY’S CREEK, a post town at the head of the Goulburn river, in the Murray district, 113 miles NE. of Melbourne. It may be considered a small suburb of Wood’s Point, and its interests are entirely of a mining character.

GOORNONG, a postal town and railway station on the Melbourne and Echuca line, in the county of Bendigo, electoral district of Mandurong and police district of Sandhurst, lying 117 miles N. of Melbourne.

GORDONS (county of Grant, and electorate of North Grenville) is a mining township on the Moorabool river, on the road from Melbourne to Ballaarat, 14 miles from the latter place, and 54 miles WNW. of Melbourne. The workings are both alluvial and quartz, principally the latter.

GRANT, a post town and money-order office in the Gipps Land district (co. Dargo), situated on the Dividing Range, 220 miles NE. of Melbourne. The surrounding country is very rugged and mountainous, and intersected by deep gullies. Travelling is difficult, and access from Melbourne not easy. The district is chiefly a mining one, although there are a number of small farms in the immediate neighbourhood which supply the wants of the mining population with farm produce.

GRANTVILLE, county of Mornington, a new township 35 miles S. of Melbourne. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in the timber trade, the supply of wood in the district being abundant. There are three sawmills.

GRAYTOWN, a municipal town and money order office, about 75 miles N. of Melbourne, in the county and electoral district of Rodney.

GREAT WESTERN, a postal village and railway station on the Concunjella creek (co. Boning), 169 miles W. by N. of Melbourne, situated nearly central between Ararat and Stawell 10 miles from Ararat, 7 from Stawell, 16 miles W. from Crowlands, and 12 miles E. of Moyston. The township is famed for its wine produce.

GREENDALE, a postal township in the county of Bourke, and electoral district of West Bourke, 48 miles NW. of Melbourne. The Werribee river is about 5 miles distant. The township is on a flat, surrounded by hills. The district is of a farming, mining, and grazing character.

GRENVILLE is a pleasant township, situated in a bend of the Leigh river (county and electoral district of Grenville, and police district of Durham) It lies 70 miles distant from Melbourne in a straight line, and is 17 miles S. of Ballaarat.

GRETA, (county of Delatite, electoral district of Tarrawingee, and police district of Ovens), is a post town, 142 miles NE. of Melbourne, and 7 miles from Glenrowan. The district is both agricultural and pastoral.

GUILDFORD, a corporate town and riding in the county of Talbot, and electoral and police district of Castlemaine, and money-order office and savings’ bank, on the south bank of the river Loddon, 80.5 miles N. by W. of Melbourne. The district is an agricultural and a mining one but liable to heavy floods, There are three large mining plants in the neighbourhood, but since the opening of the railway to this place, business has been greatly depressed, and it seems to have receded.

HADDON, a postal township, 104 miles NW of Melbourne, situated on Smythe’s creek or the Woady Yallock river, in the county of Grenville, and electoral district of Ballaarat West. There are a few small farms in the neighbourhood, but the characteristic of the district is mining.

HAMILTON, the metropolis of the western district, is situated on the Grange Burn creek, in the counties of Dundas and Normanby, 219 miles W of Melbourne. Hamilton is at present the coaching [transport] centre for the whole of the western district.

HARCOURT, a post town in the county of Talbot, and electoral district of Castlemaine, 79 miles N. of Melbourne. At a distance of 3 miles on Mount Alexander is situated the Sericultural Farm. There are fine granite quarries here near the reservoir. The features of the district are grazing for dairy purposes, with some mining and agricultural industries.

HARRIETVILLE is a postal town in the county of Bogong, electoral district of Murray, and police district of the Ovens. It is 238 miles NE. of Melbourne. Mining, agricultural, and pastoral pursuits.

HARROW, a postal and money-order township in the county of Lowan, on the north bank of the river Glenelg, about 250 miles W. by N. of Melbourne, and 61 miles from Hamilton. There are numerous stations in the district. The surrounding district is principally of a pastoral character.

HASTINGS, a post town and money-order office and savings’ bank on the west shore of Western Port Bay in the county of Mornington, 41 miles SE. of Melbourne. Hastings is an extensive fishing station and supplies the Melbourne market to a considerable extent. The neighbourhood is also noted for its orchards.

HAVELOCK, a post town (county of Talbot, electorate of Tullaroop, and police district of Maryborough) situated at the junction of the Dunolly, Carisbrook, Maryborough, and Eddington roads, 107 miles SE. of Melbourne.

HAWTHORNE, a municipality suburban to Melbourne, with which it is connected by a good road, about 4 miles E. of the city. Numerous market gardens.

HEALESVILLE, a postal township in the county of Evelyn, 41 miles from Melbourne, via Heidelberg and Eltham, and 38 miles via Lillydale. District pastoral and agricultural.

HEATHCOTE (county and electoral district of Dalhousie), a borough, money-order office, and telegraph station in the centre of the Mclvor goldfield, 70 miles N. of Melbourne, 30 miles E. of Sandhurst, and 7 miles W. of the celebrated Costerfield gold and antimony mine. The town is situated in a pretty valley at the foot of Mount Ida, and on the Mclvor creek, which flows into the Wild Duck creek 4 miles from its junction with the Campaspe. The town is scattered over a large area, the length of the township from north to south being 3 miles. The district is a mining one.

HEIDELBERG (county of Bourke) is a pretty village and money-order office on the Heidelberg road, about 8 miles ENE. of Melbourne. It is a pleasant resort for picnic parties from the city and has many of the characteristics of an English hamlet.

HEPBURN (county Talbot), a post town, 84 miles NW. of Melbourne, and 13 miles from Guildford. There are numerous quartz and alluvial diggings in the neighbourhood, with some farms and stations. The town has some celebrity from a mineral spring which is here, said to be the best in Victoria; and from the numerous vineyards which are found in the district.

HEXHAM, a post town, telegraph station, and money-order office in the counties of Villiers and Hampden, on the Hopkins river, 44 miles from Hamilton, 160 miles W. by S. of Melbourne. The surrounding country is mostly of a pastoral character.

HEYFIELD, a mining village in the county of Tangil, situated on Thompson river, 130 miles SE. of Melbourne. The area of land under cultivation is extensive, and pastoral pursuits are largely carried on. Gold has also been discovered, and several miners are at work at a few miles distance.

HEYWOOD, a post town and money-order office in the county of Normanby, situated on Fitzroy river, 256 miles W. by S. of Melbourne, and 38 miles from Hamilton. There are some farms and numerous stations in the district. Three steam sawmills are also actively employed, and one waterpower saw-mill.

HIGHTON, a post town (county of Grant, electorate of East Geelong), 48£ miles from Melbourne.

HIT OR MISS, a postal town, 98 miles NW. of Melbourne, in the county of Talbot, and electoral district of Creswick. There is mining all round at a short distance.  

HOCHKIRCH, a postal village situated between the Grange Burn and Muddy creeks, 223 miles W. of Melbourne, and about 5 miles from Hamilton It is inhabited principally by Germans.

HODDLES CREEK, a post town in the county and electoral district of Evelyn, 54 miles NE of Melbourne, on the creek after which it is named which is 3 miles from the river Yarra Upper. The mining and pastoral interests are looking up.

HORSHAM, a township and money-order office on the Wimmera river, 222 miles WNW. of Melbourne, in the county of Borung, and electoral and police district of the Wimmera. The district is principally a grazing one. The town is rapidly increasing, being the centre of the extensive plains between the Wimmera river and the Yarriambiack creek.

HOTHAM, a suburb of Melbourne, but under separate municipal government, on the NW. side of the city. In the borough is situated the Melbourne Benevolent Asylum.

HOTSPUR, a postal township in the county of Normanby, on the south bank of the Crawford river, 32 miles from Hamilton, and 244 from Melbourne. District more suitable for grazing purposes. Timber abounds in the neighbouring Smoky Forest, and much splitting is carried on.

HUNTLY, county of Bendigo, electorate of Mandurang, is a township on Bendigo creek, 113 miles NW. of Melbourne. The district is principally a goldmining one, though farming operations are carried on to some extent.

INDIGO, a township in the Ovens district, in the county of Bogong, electoral district of Murray, and police district of Chiltern, about 6 miles to the southward of the river Murray, and 187 miles NE. of Melbourne, on the main Beechworth road. The district is a mining one.

INGLEWOOD (in the county of Gladstone, and electoral district of Avoca), is a municipal mining town, money-order office, and telegraph station in the neighbourhood of the river Loddon, 128 miles NNW. of Melbourne.

INVERLEIGH a township and money-order office on the Leigh and Barwon rivers (county Grenville) 61 miles W. by S. of Melbourne. Geelong is 18 miles distant. The land is dotted with numerous farms.

ITALIAN GULLY, a mining village, on Black Ball creek, 113 miles NW. of Melbourne. The workings are principally of the alluvial character.

JAMIESON, a township, money-order office, and telegraph station, situated at the junction of the Goulburn and Jamieson rivers (county Woonangatta, electoral district of Murray, and police district of Upper Goulburn), about 162 miles by nearest coach road ENE of Melbourne. The district is a mining one, principally quartz.

JAN JUC (county of Grant, electorate of South Grant, and police district of Mount Moriac), a post town near Spring creek, 61 miles SW. of Melbourne. Pastoral and agricultural district.

JORDAN, a post town in the Gipps Land district, county of Tangil, electoral district of N. Gipps Land, 112 miles E. of Melbourne, commonly known as Jericho, or Jericho on the Jordan. The rugged character of the country renders travelling difficult. The diggings in the neighbourhood are likely to be permanent.

JOYCE’S CREEK, a post town, situated on the creek from which it derives its name, in the county of Talbot, electoral district of Maryborough, and police district of Newstead, 891 miles, NW. of Melbourne.

KALKALLO. See Donnybrook.

KANGAROO FLAT, a post town in the county of Bendigo, electoral district of Mandurang, 93 miles NW. of Melbourne. Mining district.

KANGAROO GROUND is the name of a postal township in the county and electoral district of Evelyn, and police district of Eltham. It lies 20 miles NE. of Melbourne. The district is a mining and agricultural one, principally the latter.

KEILOR, a township and money-order office on the Saltwater river, 10 miles NW. of Melbourne. It is in the county of Bourke, and electoral district of W. Bourke. The neighbouring country is known as Keilor Plains, and is very extensively cultivated, farms gradually superseding the numerous stations with which it was formerly occupied.

KENSINGTON, a railway station adjoining Flemington, 2 miles N. of Melbourne.

KENSINGTON, a postal centre, 12 miles W. of Queenscliff, and 53 miles S. of Melbourne, in the county of Grant and electoral district of S. Grant. Good fruit-growing district.

KERANG, a post town, money-order office, and telegraph station on the Loddon river (county Gunbower), 188 miles NNW. of Melbourne, and 50 miles from Echuca. The country is principally used for grazing, although the land is now under cultivation.

KEW, a prettily situated postal and telegraph township (county Bourke), suburban to Melbourne, about 44 miles E. It is a very favourite place of residence for the merchants and upper tradesmen of the city. The town is under municipal government. The new Lunatic Asylum, supplementing the establishment at Yarra Bend, is here.

KIEWA is a postal township in the county of Bogong and police of Yackandandah. It lies 200 miles NW. of Melbourne, in the centre of a pastoral and agricultural district.

KILMORE, a municipal town in the county of Dalhousie, and electoral and police district of Kilmore. It is situated on the creek of the same name on the Beechworth road. The district is an agricultural one, producing large crops of wheat. Miners are employed on the 27 miles of auriferous ground in the district.

KINGOWER, a township, post and money order office in the electoral district of Avoca (county of Gladstone) on the creek of the same name, 129 miles NNW. of Melbourne. In 1857 the Blanche Barclay nugget, weighing 1,740 ounces, was found here. There are a vast number of gold-bearing reefs round the township.

KINGSTON, a post town, post-office savings bank, and money-order office, in the county of Talbot, electoral district of Creswick, and police district of Ballaarat, 115 miles W. of Melbourne. It has depended chiefly on agriculture, suffered owing to bad crops several years in succession, and other causes. But it has lately taken a new character as a goldfield called the Spring Hill Diggings.

KOETONG (county Murray) is a small postal township on the Cudgaway creek, in the Ovens district. It lies in a pastoral country but is the headquarters of some tin mines.

KOROIT (county Villiers, electoral district of Villiers and Heytesbury), a municipal township, telegraph station, post-office savings’ bank, and money-order office, 11 miles distant from Warrnambool, 12 from Belfast, and 200 miles SW. of Melbourne. The district is an agricultural one. In the immediate neighbourhood is the celebrated Tower Hill Lake, a favourite resort for holiday and picnic parties.

KYNETON (county of Dalhousie, electoral district of Kyneton Boroughs) is an important agricultural and mining town upon the river Campaspe, 52 miles NW. of Melbourne by road. Its manufactures comprise three breweries, three flour-mills, two implement manufactories, and a coach factory. Kyneton is the central of the four ridings, or subdivisions of Kynetonshire. The land on all sides is well fitted either for pastoral or agricultural purposes. The height of Kyneton from the sea (1,750 feet) renders it a salubrious and cool place of residence in the summer months, but in the winter it frequently suffers from an excess of moisture.

LAANECOORIE is a postal township in the county of Bendigo, and police district of Tarnagulla. It lies 90 miles NW. of Melbourne. An agricultural population engaged in cultivating the Loddon Flats.

LAKE BOLAC, a postal township in the county of Ripon, and electoral district of Ripon and Hampden, about 162 miles from Melbourne, 64 miles W. of Ballaarat, and 30 miles S. of Ararat, on the main Hamilton road, in the immediate vicinity of the lake whence it takes its name. The lake is about 16 miles in circumference. The water is supplied by the Fiery creek, and the overflow carried off by the Salt creek into the Hopkins river. It is perfectly fresh, and abounds with eels. Numerous salt lakes exist in the neighbourhood. The proper name of the township is Parupa.

LAL LAL, county of Grant, and electoral district of South Grant, a post town and railway station on the Victorian railways (Geelong and Ballaarat section), 83.5 miles W. of Melbourne. The district is a mining one, both quartz and alluvia), with some stations. An extensive deposit of brown coal or lignite has been found here. Tons of firewood are annually sent to Ballaarat.

LAMPLOUGH is a post town in the county of Gladstone, and electoral and police district of Avoca. It is situated 134 miles NW. of Melbourne.

LANCEFIELD (county of Bourke), a township on Deep creek, 44 miles N. of Melbourne.

LANDSBOROUGH (county of Kara-Kara, electorate of Crowlands), a post town and money-order office on Heifer creek, about 160 miles NW. of Melbourne. There are several alluvial gold workings near the town, the district, though, is partly of an agricultural and pastoral character.

LARA. See Duck Ponds.

LARPENT (county and electoral district of Polwarth), a township, 97 miles SW. of Melbourne. The country is well adapted for farming and also for grazing purposes.

LATROBE BRIDGE (Longford) a post town, county of Tangil, electorate of North Gipps Land, situated at the junction of the Glengarry and Thompson rivers, 170 miles SE. of Melbourne. Pastoral district.

LEARMONTH, county of Ripon, electoral district of Ripon and Hampden, and police district of Ballaarat, a post town and money-order office on the shores of Lake Learmonth, 109 miles NW. of Melbourne and 14 miles from Ballaarat. The neighbourhood is well fitted for growing wheat, and for agricultural operations generally.

LEDCOURT is a postal town (county of Boning, electorate of Crowlands, and police district of Wimmera) lying 144 miles SW. of Melbourne. The surrounding country is poor and sandy.

LEONARD’S HILL, a postal town near the source of the river Werribee, 84 miles NW. of Melbourne. It is in the county of Talbot and Creswick electoral district. It is nearly in the centre of the Bullarook State forest, and many of the residents are engaged in splitting timber, there are also sawmills.

LETHBRIDGE (county of Grant, and electoral district of South Grant) is a post town, 35 miles from Ballaarat, about 20 miles from Geelong and 61 miles SW. of Melbourne. There are numerous farms and stations in this district, and quantities of grapes and other fruits are raised. Some of the best and most extensive quarries of bluestone in the colony are here, and when extra sizes are required, large quantities are forwarded to Geelong, and even to Melbourne.

LEXTON, county of Talbot, and electoral district of Creswick, a township on the Burn Bank creek, 126 miles NW. of Melbourne. Mining is carried on to some extent in the district, there are also some runs, and a considerable breadth of land is under cultivation. The red gum grown in the forests around Lexton is of excellent quality, three saw-mills near Lexton being occupied in supplying timber for railway works, and for public works at Geelong.

LILYDALE (county and electoral district of Evelyn) is a village and money-order office on the Olinda creek, 24 miles NE. from Melbourne. The district is mainly a grain, potato, and vine-growing one.

LINTONS, a mining township, money-order office, and telegraph station, on Springdallah creek (county of Grenville), 116 miles NW. of Melbourne. Ballaarat lies 20 miles to the NE. The workings are principally of an alluvial character, though there are quartz reefs in the neighbourhood. Gold was first found here in the winter of 1855. Extensive agricultural settlement has lately taken place in the surrounding district.

LISMORE, a post town in the county of Hampden, electoral division of Ripon and Hampden, 108 miles W. of Melbourne. Nearest water Brown’s water holes. The district is of a pastoral and agricultural character.

LITTLE RIVER is a postal township and railway station on the Melbourne and Geelong railway and is a spot of favourite resort for sportsmen from the abundance of game to be found. There are hares, rabbits, and wild turkeys towards the beach of Port Phillip, hares and deer in the Anakie ranges, which lie a few miles inland, and ducks and wild swans on the creeks and swamps.

LOCKWOOD (county of Bendigo), a post town on Bullock creek, 105 miles NW. of Melbourne. Sandhurst is distant about 9 miles in an easterly direction. There are quartz reefs in the neighbourhood, and some part of the district is taken up by farms, a good proportion being cultivated as orchards and vineyards.

LONGWOOD, a township, telegraph, and money-order office (county Delatite, electoral district of Murray), on Winding creek, 95 miles NNE. of Melbourne.

MACARTHUR, a postal town in the county of Normanby, on the Breakfast and Blackfellow’s creeks, and the Eumeralla river, 200 miles from Melbourne, SE.

MACEDON is a post and telegraph town in the county of Bourke, electoral district of West Bourke, and police district of Gisborne. The district is very thickly timbered, and the agricultural and pastoral areas are limited. No mining is carried on, although a few promising reefs have been found. The Government reservoir is situated here.

MAFFRA, a post town, telegraph and money order office in the Gipps Land district (county and electoral district of Tangil, and police district of Maffra), about 140 miles ESE. of Melbourne. Like most of the towns in this district, it is not easy of access. The district is rather heavily timbered, the soil is well suited for farming and grazing purposes. Townships in the neighbourhood are Tinamba, a suburb of Maffra. Upper Maffra, on the east side of the M’Alister about 7 miles distant. Bundalaguah on the road to Sale.

MAIDSTONE, a post town in the county of Bourke, 5 miles from Melbourne, W., near the Saltwater river.  There are quarries of basalt yielding good stone, and a meat-preserving works.

MAINDAMPLE is a postal township in the electoral and police district of Mansfield (county Delatite). It lies 140 miles E. of Melbourne, and 8 miles from Mansfield. Mostly engaged in farming pursuits.

MAJORCA (county of Talbot, electorate of Creswick), a small but rising township, telegraph and money-order office, on the road from Talbot to Maryborough, about 106 miles NW. of Melbourne. The district is an agricultural and mining one. The presence of gold caused the first settlement. The diggings are both alluvial and quartz.

MALDON is situated at the foot of Mount Tarrangower, on the Tarrangower creek, on the main road from Castlemaine and Melbourne, 84 miles NNW. of the metropolis. It is in the county of Talbot and electoral district of Maldon. Pastoral and agricultural operations are largely carried on and the district is noted for its auriferous wealth. The gold reefs, 74 in number, are of great extent.

MALMSBURY, a municipal township, telegraph and money-order office, in the county of Talbot, on the Coliban river, about 63 miles N. by W. of Melbourne, on the main road to Castlemaine. The country surrounding Malmsbury is extensively taken up by farms. Mining operations also are carried on, the workings being both alluvial and quartz.

MANSFIELD, a post town, telegraph, and money-order office (county Delatite and electoral district of Murray). It is situated on Ford’s creek, 125 miles NE. of Melbourne. There is much land under cultivation in the district of which wheat, oats, and potatoes are the principal growths. There are also two quartz-crushing plants at work.

MARONG (county of Bendigo, electoral district of Mandurang, and police district of Sandhurst), is situated on Bullock creek, and lies distant from Melbourne 111 miles N. by W. The district is partly a farming one and is also of a mining character. The celebrated Wilson’s Reef and also many other promising claims, are here.

MAROONA is a post town in the county and electoral and police district of Ararat, on the Hopkins river, 162 miles W. of Melbourne, and 10 miles from Ararat. The country is flat and the soil good, producing excellent crops.

MARYBOROUGH (county of Talbot), an important municipal town on the main line of road between Castlemaine, Avoca, and Ararat, 112 miles NW. of Melbourne. Maryborough is the principal town of the northwest goldfields, and centre of the railway system of the North-Western province. The diggings in the Maryborough mining district are of great extent, there being auriferous ground and quartz reefs, giving employment to upwards of 7,487 miners.

MATLOCK is the extreme eastern township in the county of Tangil and Wounangatta, and electoral district of Murray, situated on the dividing range of the Australian Alps, at an elevation of 4,000 feet above the sea-level, 109 miles E. of Melbourne. The surrounding ranges abound with quartz reefs. Residents also employ themselves in the cultivation of oats and potatoes. In December 1873, the whole of Matlock was destroyed by fire.

MELBOURNE is the metropolis and seat of government of the colony of Victoria. It is situated on the north bank of the River Yarra-Yarra, in the county of Bourke. It forms, with its suburbs, a police district of itself, and is divided into three electoral districts, Melbourne E., Melbourne W., and Melbourne N. It is divided, for municipal purposes, into seven wards: Lonsdale, Bourke, Gipps, Latrobe, Smith, Victoria, and Albert wards. Melbourne is so named after Lord Melbourne, who was Premier of Great Britain at the time it was founded. [For a more detailed description, please visit the source material which includes a condensed summary].

MELTON (county Bourke), a township and money-order office on the Toolem Toolem creek, 26 miles NW. of Melbourne. It is a farming and grazing district principally for wheat and oats with acres are devoted to the culture of the grape. Melton is well adapted for the recovery of invalids suffering from pulmonary affections, as it is mild in climate, sheltered by neighbouring forests, and watered by the romantic Werribee river.

MEREDITH (comity of Grant, electoral district of South Grant, and police district of Geelong), is a small post town, money-order office, situated on the Coole Barghurk creek, 704 miles W. of Melbourne. It is 25 miles from Geelong. There is a township 5 miles distant, named Elaine, where very rich quartz leaders are being found, yielding a large quantity of gold. Morrison’s, another goldfield, is five miles from Meredith, accessible by a very good road.

MERINO, a money-order office and post town in the county of Normanby, on the creek of the same name, 261 miles W. of Melbourne, 30 miles from Hamilton. There are numerous stations in the district, but not much land under cultivation.

MERTON (county of Anglesey, electorate of is a village situated on Merton creek, 120 miles NE. of Melbourne. The district is principally of a pastoral character, there are diggings of no great extent within a few miles of the township.

MILLEWA, a post town in the county of Delatite, electoral district of Murray, and police district of Beechworth. It lies 170 miles NE of Melbourne, between the King and Ovens rivers, and is the centre of an extensive agricultural and pastoral district. Grain from this neighbourhood commands high prices, and tobacco and hops are both largely grown.

MINER’S REST, a township on Burrumbeek creek (co. Grenville and Ripon), 104 miles WNW. of Melbourne, and 7 miles from Ballaarat. Much farming is carried on in the district, and also some mining.

MITTA MITTA is a post town in the county of Bogong, electoral district of Murray, and police district of Ovens. It lies 240 miles NE. of Melbourne. The district is a mining one, and has a considerable population scattered over it on various diggings of this part of the Snowy river.

MOLIAGUL, county of Gladstone, electoral district of Avoca, and police district of Dunolly is a post town 115 miles NW. of Melbourne. Mining operations were once earned on to a considerable extent here but are now nearly exhausted. This goldfield has been worked since 1852. On the 5th February, 1869, the largest nugget found in Australia (the “Welcome Stranger”) was discovered in Black Reef Gully.

MOONAMBEL, a rising township and money order office situated on the mountain creek (shire of Avoca, co. Kara Kara, and electoral district of Crowlands), about 133 miles NW. of Melbourne, and about 56 from Ballaarat. Mining and farming are the chief employments of the inhabitants.

MOONEE PONDS (county of Bourke) is portion of the borough of Essendon and Flemington, 4 miles from the city, N. The surrounding country is extensively cultivated and is also good grazing land.

MOORABOOL is a post town and railway station in the county of Grant, electoral district of South Grant, and police district of Geelong. The district is an agricultural, pastoral, and vine-growing one. The alluvial flats along the river are very rich.

MOORILIM. See Dargalong.

MOOROOPNA, a township near the Goulburn river, in the county and electoral district of Rodney, 120 miles from Melbourne. The land in the district is well adapted for farming purposes, and the finest wheat in the colony is believed to be grown in the neighbourhood.

MORANG, a post town and money-order office on the Plenty road (co. Bourke), and situated on the Plenty river, 18 miles NE. of Melbourne. There are a number of farms in the neighbourhood and much land under cultivation.

MORDIALLOC, a Government township and post office on the creek of the same name, 15 miles SE. of Melbourne. It is in the county of Bourke, and electoral district of South Bourke. The creek and the bay, close to the township make it very suitable for picnic, boating, angling, and shooting parties. The district is both pastoral and agricultural.

MORNINGTON. See Schnapper Point.

MORTLAKE, a township, telegraph, and money-order office in the county of Hampden, 137 miles SW. of Melbourne, situated at the foot of Mount Shadwell, in the centre of an agricultural and pastoral district. It lies 35 miles NNE. from the town of Warrnambool.

MOUNT BLACKWOOD lies 54 miles WNW. of Melbourne, in the county of Bourke. It is a postal, money-order, savings’ bank, and telegraph township, the telegraph office being at Red Hill, the centre of the locality. The surrounding country is hilly and heavily timbered and is not well adapted for tillage. The town of Blackwood is divided into three small townships, named respectively, Golden Point, Red Hill, and Simmons’ Reef, all within an area of 2 miles. Mining is principally carried on at the Reefs.

MOUNT COTTERELL is a postal station near the river Werribee, in the county of Bourke, and electoral district of West Bourke, 20 miles W. of Melbourne, 8 miles from Wyndham, and the same distance from Melton. It is the centre of a grazing district, the principal occupation of the inhabitants being the supplying the Melbourne market with dairy produce.

MOUNT EGERTON, county of Grant and police district of Ballaarat, is a postal village and money-order office in the neighbourhood of the mountain whence it takes its name, about 60 miles NW. of Melbourne. The district is principally a goldmining one, some parts though, are well-fitted for grazing and cultivation.

MOUNT MERCER, a post town in the county of Grenville, and electoral district of Polworth and South Grenville. It is about three miles distant from the river Leigh and lies 96 miles WNW. of Melbourne. The district is of a pastoral and agricultural character. Mount Mercer is an extinct volcano, the mouth of the crater being a mile in circumference and containing a fine sheet of water.

MOUNT ROWAN is a post-office between Creswick in the county of Ripon, and electoral district of Ripon and Hampden, about 90 miles W. of Melbourne. A progressive and promising gold mine is within half a mile.

MOUTAJUP, a postal station on the Wannon river, which runs in a westerly direction through the vicinity, in the county and electoral district of Dundas, 193 miles W. of Melbourne. The district is principally of an agricultural character, a small portion only being utilized for pastoral purposes. It is in close proximity to Mount Sturgeon and Mount Abrupt, in which are quarries of freestone of excellent quality, and is only a few miles from Victoria Forest, where is procured the greatest portion of the timber used for building and fencing in this part of the western district.

MOYSTON, in the electoral district of Crowlands (co. Boning), is situated within a short distance of the little Wimmera river, and 10 miles E. of Mount William, and is a post town and money-order and post-office savings’ bank office. Melbourne lies 162 miles SE. It is a quartz mining district. The district is an agricultural and pastoral one.

MURCHISON (county and electoral district of Rodney, and police district of Kilmore) is a post town and money-order office on the west bank of the river Goulburn, 135 miles N. of Melbourne, located in the centre of a farming and grazing district.

MURROON is the name od a parish having a post office, lying about 1 mile S. of Birregurra and 89 miles SW. of Melbourne. It is bounded on the west by the Barwon river, and on the south by the Otway State forest, and is watered by the Skeneburn creek. The principal portion of the land is and used as a sheep and cattle run. There is, however, a strip of low-lying land about 4 miles long by 1 mile wide, known as Gosling’s marsh, where the soil is black and rich. This was secured about 13 years ago and now grows rye grass and clover.

MYER’S FLAT, a postal town 1061 miles NW. from Melbourne, in the borough of Eagle Hawk, police district of Sandhurst, and electoral district of Mandurang. It is both a mining and agricultural district.

MYRNIONG, a post town and money-order office, 42 miles NW. of Melbourne, in the county of Bourke, on the creek of the same name. Ballan lies 7 miles W. on the Ballaarat main road. There are numerous farms and graziers in the neighbourhood.

MYRTLEFORD is a post town in the county of Bogong, electoral district of the Ovens, and police district of Beechworth. It is 135 miles NE. of Melbourne.

NAGAMBIE, a post town situated on the banks of the Goulburn river, in the county of Moira, and electoral district of the Murray, 85 miles NE. of Melbourne.

NAPOLEONS, a postal township, near the junction of the Dog Trap, Yarrowee, and Ross’s creek, lying NW. by W. from Melbourne, distant 98 miles vid Buninyong, and 105 miles vid Ballaarat. It is in the county of Grenville, and the electoral district of Ballaarat, W. District is of a mining and agricultural character.

NATTE YALLOCK is a small postal village 146 miles NW. from Melbourne and lying near Maryborough.

NAVARRE, county of Kara-Kara, electoral district of Crowlands, and police district of Wimmera, a post town on Wattle creek, 158 miles NW. of Melbourne. The district is a pastoral and an agricultural one.

NEILBOROUGH. See White Hills.

NEWBRIDGE is a postal town and money order office in the county of Bendigo, situated on the river Loddon, 121 miles distant from Melbourne NW., and 4 miles E. of Tarnagulla. There are some diggings in the neighbourhood, but the country partakes more of the pastoral and agricultural character.

NEWHAM, a post town in the counties of Bourke and Dalhousie, 50 miles NW. of Melbourne. Agricultural district principally, the breeding of cattle and horses being the principal occupation. The Hanging Rock, a great natural curiosity, attracts many visitors to this spot.

NEWHAVEN is a postal town in the county and electoral and police district of Mornington, lying 64 miles SE. of Melbourne, in the SE. part of Phillip Island, Westernport Bay. It is an agricultural and fishing township.

NEWSTEAD, a post town and telegraph and money-order office and railway station in the county of Talbot, electoral district of Maldon and Creswick, and police district of Castlemaine. It is on the Loddon river, 84 miles NNW. of Melbourne. There are several alluvial and quartz diggings in the neighbourhood. There is also a large breadth of land under cultivation.

NORTHCOTE, a post town (county and police district of Bourke, and electorate of E. Bourke boroughs), lies suburban to Melbourne, distant 4 miles NE. Two bacon-curing works are here, and much fruit is grown in the district.

NUNAWADING is an agricultural district lying about 11 miles E. of Melbourne.

OAKLEIGH (county of Bourke, electorate of South Bourke) is a government township and money-order office on the Dandenong road, 10 miles SE. of Melbourne. The soil is of a very sandy character, adapted for market-garden purposes.

OMEO, a mining township and money-order office on Livingstone creek (county Benambra) about 250 miles ENE. of Melbourne. The diggings are of a rich character. Some portion of the district, which is pretty mountainous, is parcelled out in runs.

OPOSSUM GULLY, a small township, with a population of about 200 persons, about 4 miles distant from Salt creek, and 157 miles NW. of Melbourne. It is in the county of Ripon, police district of Wimmera, and the Ararat-Cathcart (a) electoral division. The district is a mining and agricultural one.

ORFORD is a post town in the county of Villiers, electorate of Warrnambool, and police district of Belfast. It lies 199 miles SW. of Melbourne. The district is an agricultural and pastoral one, with masses of bluestone on the surface.

OXLEY is a post town in the county of Delatite, electoral district of Murray, and police district of Beechworth, lying 173 miles NE. of Melbourne. Agriculture is largely carried on in the district.

PARUPA. See Lake Bolac.

PENSHURST, a township, telegraph, and money-order office, in the county of Villiers and electoral district of Villiers and Heytesbury, 169 miles from Melbourne W., situated at the base of Mount Rouse. There is now but little cultivated land in the district, nearly all being taken up for grazing purposes. Mount Rouse was formerly an extinct volcano. There is a Moravian mission at Herrnhut, near Penshurst.

PENTRIDGE, now called Coburg (county Bourke), a village in the neighbourhood of Melbourne, 5 miles distant N. It derives its importance for being the locale of a large gaol, called the Pentridge stockade, in which 500 convicts can lie accommodated. Within its walls is the Industrial Reformatory School, known as the Jika Reformatory. Newlands and Bolingbroke are within the district of Coburg.

PERCYDALE is a post town in the county Kara-Kara, electoral district of Crowlands, and police district of Avoca. It lies on the E. slope of the Pyrenees Mountains, 129 miles NE. of Melbourne, 13 miles N. of Glenlyon, 7 miles S. of Moonambel, and 7 miles NE. of Avoca. The district is a mining one (both quartz and alluvial). Agricultural and pastoral interests are also represented to some extent.

PIGGOREET, a postal, telegraph, and mining town, and money-order office on Woady Yallock creek, 120 miles NW. of Melbourne, in the East Riding of Grenvilleshire. The workings are principally of an alluvial character. There are also several sheep stations in the district. The mining villages in the vicinity are Golden Lake, The Exchequer, and Derwent Jacks. Each has but a small population.

PIRRON YALLOCK, a postal township, on the creek of the same name, which empties itself into Lake Corangamite, which also abuts on the township. It is in the county of Polwarth and South Grenville, and electoral district of Colac. It lies 96 miles BW. of Melbourne. It has been described as the garden of the colony. The district is noted for the large number of rabbits, supplied thence to the Melbourne and Geelong markets.

PITFIELD (county of Grenville, electoral district of North Grenville) is a township on Woady Yallock creek, about 100 miles W. of Melbourne. There are several diggings within a short distance on the north and north-east, and also a considerable tract of cultivated and grazing land in the district.

PORCUPINE FLAT, a post town in the county of Talbot, and electoral district of Maldon, 87 miles NW. of Melbourne. Is a mining and agricultural locality.

PORT ALBERT (county of Buln-Buln, electoral district of Gipps Land S.) is a seaport town, telegraph, savings’ bank, and money-order office, at the mouth of the Tarra river, Gipps Land, about 170 miles SE. of Melbourne.

PORTARLINGTON is a postal town in the county and electoral district of Grant, and police district of Geelong. It lies about 66 miles distant from Melbourne in a southerly direction, and is reached by rail to Geelong, and thence either by coach, sailing craft, or occasional steamer in the summer months. The district is an agricultural one and has achieved some celebrity for the fine onions it produces.  

PORTLAND, the capital of the county of Normanby, a seaport town, under municipal government, on the west coast of Portland Bay, 225 miles SW. of Melbourne, about the same distance E. from Adelaide, 55 miles from Hamilton to which a railway line is to be constructed, 57 miles from Coleraine, 47 from Merino, and 63 from Casterton, all towns of some importance to the N. and NW. It is the oldest settlement in Victoria. It was first used as a whaling depot. The town, on the high road to the west, overlooks the bay, which is 24 by 12 miles, capable of affording anchorage to the largest fleet in the world. The bay is the natural outlet for an immense tract of back country comprehending many millions of acres of agricultural and pastoral land.

PRAHRAN, a postal, telegraphic and money order town, suburban to Melbourne, lying about 3 miles SE. from the city centre. It is a district municipality, and has been since the 21st February, 1856, was created a borough October 17th, 1863, and a town May 13th, 1870. The main roads to Dandenong, Gipps Land, and Western Port pass through Prahran, and a good road with a fine massive iron girder bridge over the Yarra connects it with Melbourne.

PRESTON, a village in the electoral district of same name, and county of East Bourke, situated between the Merri and Darebin creeks, 6 miles NE. of Melbourne. It is surrounded by a dairy-farming and market-gardening district.

PYALONG, a post town on Mollison’s creek, 52 miles N. of Melbourne (county Dalhousie). The district is mainly a farming one principally for wheat and potatoes.

QUARTZREEFS, Pleasant Creek, a postal mining township, 176 miles NW. of Melbourne. Pleasant Creek is the westernmost goldfield in Victoria, and one of the principal quartz-mining centres in the colony. Outsid